results for SDS Bodø Lvl 2, 20-21. April. SIC.

Open Standard Production Classic Production Optics Combined compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 603.4694 Christian Følvik Production- S NOR U charliefox SDS
2 97.63 589.1494 Geir Kvæl Production- S NOR U gk65 SDS
3 91.72 553.5149 jim-rune sæther Production- - NOR U superted SDS
4 84.54 510.1940 Freddy Eriksen Production- S NOR U eriks1 SDS
5 72.64 438.3767 Daniel Bentzen Production- - NOR U SDS
6 72.05 434.8089 Tom-Eirik Jenssen Production- - NOR U SDS
7 68.58 413.8583 Daniel Kling Production- - NOR U Narvik pistol klubb
8 65.38 394.5587 Andreas Hilmarsen Production- - NOR U SDS
9 65.24 393.7333 Andris Verpelis Production- - NOR U SDS
10 61.81 373.0233 Preben Olav Pedersen Production- - NOR U SDS
11 59.34 358.0717 Hauke Reimers Production- - NOR U PDS
12 57.49 346.9198 Marius Wikberg Production- - NOR U mw72 SDS
13 53.16 320.7762 Ørjan Johansen Production- - NOR U SDS
14 52.52 316.9233 Tom Cato Karlsen Production- - NOR U SDS
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