results for BEP Pistol L1 januar. Vinter cup 3/5

Open Standard Production Classic Production Optics Combined compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 423.6866 Mats Sønstebø Production- - NOR U BEP
2 98.13 415.7530 Petter Solås Production- - NOR U BEP
3 97.08 411.3048 Kjetil Orre Production- - NOR U happygiant BEP
4 85.23 361.1194 Johan Pettersen Production- - NOR U NOP-Haakonsvern
5 79.06 334.9589 Frode Instefjord Production- S NOR U BEP
6 64.10 271.5684 Anved Fredriksen Production- - NOR U BSK
7 54.58 231.2580 Geir Irgens Production- - NOR U BEP
8 53.57 226.9684 Frode Jensen Production- S NOR U NOP-HOS
9 46.48 196.9335 Arild Brandal Production- - NOR U BEP
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