First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 342.4383 Daniel Denwood Open+ S SWE U doubledelta MSPS
2 80.05 274.1310 Bosse Jansson Open+ SS SWE U boaw MSPS
3 72.26 247.4492 Anders Svanberg Production Optics- - SWE U MSPS
4 70.28 240.6554 Andy Odd Production Optics- - SWE U mrandy MSPS
5 56.03 191.8554 Tom Westerholm Production Optics- S SWE U MSPS
6 52.95 181.3259 Erik Forsberg Production Optics- - SWE U sopgubben MSPS
7 50.87 174.2054 Emil Hedenborg Production Optics- - SWE U high5 MSPS
8 47.02 161.0048 Robin Hallberg Production Optics- - SWE U MSPS
9 46.35 158.7081 Niclas Jönsson Production Optics- S SWE U joppe MSPS
10 45.81 156.8584 Joakim Akerstrom Standard- S SWE U MSPS
11 42.68 146.1514 Andreas Brolin Production- - SWE U MSPS
12 40.34 138.1505 Magnus Edenburg Production Optics- S SWE U MSPS
13 39.74 136.0735 Henrik Nordh Production- - SWE U MSPS
14 38.69 132.4988 Rasmus Andersson Production- - SWE U MSPS
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