First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 121.9664 Roger Tiensuu Standard- S SWE C rogert Växjö Pk
2 92.67 113.0256 Mikael Söderström Standard- S SWE U soder Gävle PK
3 90.89 110.8526 Jari Miettinen Standard- S SWE U jamin Uppsala DS
4 79.08 96.4519 Joakim Rudensten Standard+ S SWE U jr528swed LSC
5 75.13 91.6383 Björn Lindfors Standard- S SWE U polarbjorn Umeå PK
6 72.47 88.3896 micke wessman Standard- S SWE U bigflash Kristianstads PK
7 67.90 82.8202 chris jonkers Standard- S SWE U chijo GuDS
8 49.61 60.5065 Sten O Bengtsson Standard- SS SWE U rockymarshal ESKF
9 48.85 59.5839 Lennart Holmberg Standard- S SWE U paramedic66 Jönköpings PK
10 44.39 54.1374 Kent Sundberg Standard- S SWE D romulus Hudik PSK
11 40.53 49.4352 Örjan Tollbom Standard- SS SWE U oldiebutgoldie ESKF
12 32.41 39.5352 Johan Blomster Standard- S SWE U blomster Emmaboda SkF
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