First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 742.2225 Kenny Van Der Merwe Open+ S ZAF U Golden City
2 94.93 704.6204 Kirsty Shovlin-Bohler Open+ L ZAF U Golden City
3 93.37 692.9862 Albert Wessels Classic- - ZAF U PPPSC
4 91.77 681.1637 Carlo Belletti Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
5 89.40 663.5467 Justin Peacock Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City / CGPSA
6 88.05 653.4940 Maciek Michalski Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
7 85.63 635.5412 Terrick Naude Standard+ - ZAF U GSPSC
8 85.17 632.1418 Frikkie Streicher Production- - ZAF U frikkiwitz GCPSC
9 83.04 616.3632 Jose Cardoso Standard+ - ZAF U Spartan
10 82.79 614.4886 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ SS ZAF B jimv CG524
11 82.73 614.0270 Daniel Matic Production- - ZAF U stander GCPSC
12 81.46 604.5813 Peter Holmes Open+ S ZAF U pistol Spartan
13 80.62 598.3614 Dawid Van Reenen Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
14 77.88 578.0667 Neelesh Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
15 77.76 577.1478 Valkner Hammond Custom- S ZAF A
16 77.56 575.6445 Hendrik Engelbrecht Production- S ZAF U TEKS
17 77.45 574.8524 cHris Marais Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
18 77.44 574.8007 André Van Tonder Standard+ S ZAF U Visitor
19 77.18 572.8146 Leroy Barter Open+ S ZAF C Golden City
20 76.39 566.9615 Freddie Labuschagne Standard+ - ZAF U freddie Vaal triangle
21 75.77 562.4149 Clive Pedersen Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
22 75.75 562.2067 Brent John Aspden Standard+ - ZAF U golden city
23 75.30 558.9241 Wayne Hammond Classic- S ZAF U rogue Golden City
24 74.27 551.2817 Justin Bohler Production- - ZAF U Golden City
25 73.97 549.0466 Craig John Aspden Production- - ZAF U golden city
26 71.12 527.8936 Bradford Thomas Henstock Open+ - ZAF U brad Golden City
27 67.14 498.3202 Mark Hammond Production- - ZAF U ironman GC
28 66.65 494.6806 Mark Neves Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
29 66.64 494.6205 Lionel Marks Standard+ - ZAF U
30 65.65 487.2906 Brian SC Liu Production- - ZAF U CG4974
31 65.48 486.0222 Austen Stockbridge Classic- - ZAF A Premier Shooting Club
32 65.20 483.9053 Gideon Carstens Production- - ZAF U kassie CG3847
33 64.37 477.7981 Ronel Barter Open+ L ZAF C Golden City
34 62.94 467.1191 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
35 62.31 462.4696 Schalk Du Plessis Production- - ZAF U schalk Golden City
36 62.26 462.0990 Lei (Charlie) Cheng Production- - ZAF U golden city
37 61.05 453.0986 Lei (Charlie) Cheng Custom- - ZAF U golden city
38 60.74 450.8588 Jaco Rademeyer Production- - ZAF U Police practical pistol club
39 60.45 448.6657 ALLeN-C.Z Xia Production- - ZAF U
40 59.86 444.3091 Yutin Chu Production- - ZAF C danny golden city
41 59.56 442.0339 Shyam Jagwanth Production- - ZAF U Golden City
42 58.17 431.7836 Nicholas Looi Production- - ZAF U Golden City
43 57.48 426.6459 Coert Erasmus Open+ S ZAF U Golden City
44 57.48 426.6444 Mark Atkins Open- S ZAF C Spartan Arms
45 55.38 411.0122 Anthony Kruger Custom+ S ZAF U tony CG4991
46 53.51 397.1936 Anthony Kruger Open+ S ZAF U tony CG4991
47 53.42 396.4628 Albert Ludick Production- - ZAF U Golden City
48 52.72 391.2846 Theunis Kruger Standard- - ZAF U GCPSA
49 51.77 384.2450 Michael Coutts Open+ S ZAF C daktari Golden City Shoting Club
50 51.19 379.9099 Richard Westley Standard+ SS ZAF U Golden City
51 50.97 378.2758 Keith Christopher Askham Open+ SS ZAF U jetjungle Golden City
52 48.58 360.5691 Eddie Smith Open+ S ZAF A Golden City
53 48.31 358.5944 Milan Kavka Standard- - ZAF B Golden City
54 47.64 353.5583 (Jay)Jiankai Yao Production- - ZAF U
55 46.28 343.4736 Wanda Zama Production- - ZAF U Golden City
56 46.20 342.9264 Enver Tim Standard+ - ZAF U golden city
57 46.01 341.4781 Dan Levin Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
58 45.62 338.5906 Bruce Di Zhang Production- - ZAF U CG4203
59 44.91 333.3678 Jan Schoeman Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
60 43.18 320.4563 Estelle Westley Production- L ZAF U Golden City
61 41.53 308.2685 Theo Exall Production- - ZAF U PDPC, GCPSC
62 40.68 301.9492 Walter Dajee Open+ S ZAF U daj SNIPERS Practical Shooting Club
63 40.64 301.6327 Zaid Iqbal Khan Production- - ZAF U Golden city
64 38.82 288.0959 Alan Norton Production- SS ZAF U Golden City
65 37.76 280.2672 Rinus Loubser Standard- - ZAF U
66 36.12 268.0909 Nadeem Bhyat Production- - ZAF U Golden City
67 36.02 267.3647 Hishaam Iqbal Khan Standard- - ZAF U Golden city
68 35.39 262.6502 Morne Saaiman Standard+ - ZAF U Golden city
69 34.39 255.2288 Quintin Van Der Merwe Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
70 33.96 252.0898 Carel De Beer Production- - ZAF U GCPSC
71 30.89 229.2481 Mingsong-James Hu Production- - ZAF U Golden City
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