First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 739.2302 Kenneth Karlsson Standard+ S SWE U knet SSK
2 98.31 726.7683 Niclas Dal Standard- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
3 73.69 544.7501 Thomas Carlsson Standard+ S SWE U tsac BOPS
4 73.07 540.1697 Stefan Unknown Standard- S SWE U fenrisulven Rosersberg
5 72.64 537.0080 Per-Arne Svensson Standard+ S SWE U caliber Caliber 44 skytteförening
6 69.49 513.6564 Dennis Andersson Standard+ S SWE U S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
7 64.97 480.2538 Mikael Palmgren Standard- S SWE U mrp Örlb Skf
8 64.93 479.9466 Therry Ellgren Standard- S SWE U therry bofors skjutfälts skyttekår
9 25.30 187.0215 Jan-Olof Olsson Standard- SS SWE U jo54 Bofors Skjutfälts Skyttekår
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