First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1037.7749 Niclas Dal Standard- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
2 91.08 945.2306 Mats Parhammar Standard+ S SWE U mapa Sundsvalls Pistolskytteklubb - SPK
3 78.67 816.4692 Mårten Sehlstedt Standard- S SWE U marten Skelleftea PSF
4 75.72 785.8383 Ronny Bergström Standard- S SWE U bul38super RJPS
5 62.49 648.5155 Peter Thor Standard- S SWE U pthor IPSC Västerås
6 57.31 594.7225 Peter Berglöf Standard- S SWE U therigg RJPS
7 54.18 562.2677 Björn Lindfors Standard- S SWE U polarbjorn UPK
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