First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 556.7662 Peter Kastell Standard+ - SWE U kastell Torups Pistolklubb
2 95.71 532.8564 Jonas Forslund Standard+ - SWE B forsis SSF
3 88.94 495.1999 Albin Karlsson Standard- - SWE U smalben MSF
4 85.78 477.5847 Patrik Fritzson Standard+ S SWE U GPIF
5 82.60 459.8996 Luigi de Barone Standard+ S SWE A 2alfa VSD
6 78.59 437.5897 Mikael Janeman Standard- - SWE U jman Jönköpings PK
7 75.50 420.3829 Daniel Härelind Standard- - SWE U backbreaker Jönköpings PK
8 72.89 405.8478 Nicklas Olausson Standard- - SWE U nickeviking Security Group Dynamics
9 69.00 384.1511 Jonas Winberg Standard+ - SWE U jowi UPSF
10 67.91 378.0927 Henrik Nilsson Standard- S SWE U hepeni MSF
11 65.64 365.4469 Thomas Eriksson Standard- - SWE U teriksson79 MSF
12 64.78 360.6998 Jens H Standard- - SWE U jzh GDS
13 62.26 346.6171 Gustaf Bervebrink Standard- - SWE U gustafswe Torups Pistolklubb
14 61.96 344.9641 Kim Gustafsson Standard+ - SWE U mopargun Torups Pistolklubb
15 40.72 226.7425 Adrian Haslinger Standard- - SWE U andhas Security Group Dynamics
16 40.24 224.0607 Peter Angelborn Standard- SS SWE U radpad Säve psk
17 37.92 211.1278 Andreas Söderlund Standard- - SWE U Västsvenska dynamiker
18 33.00 183.7135 Håkan Hedlöf Standard- - SWE U murarn SGD
19 28.61 159.2930 Johan Augustsson Standard- - SWE U snickarn UPSF
20 20.59 114.6516 Patrik Hållpås Standard- - SWE U patrik Security Group Dynamics
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