results for KDS April match, Godkjenningsstevne

Open Standard Production Classic Combined compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 377.8042 Håkon Laksberg Production- - NOR U laxen KDS
2 72.61 274.3341 Terje Madtsen Production- - NOR U josue KDS
3 60.70 229.3315 Oddvar Storli Production- - NOR U storodd KDS
4 60.26 227.6578 Rolf Heide Production- - NOR U KDS
5 59.21 223.7129 Christian H. Sivertsen Production- - NOR U KDS
6 51.66 195.1693 Jonas Haldansen Production- - NOR U KDS
7 30.18 114.0275 Håvard Knudsen Production- - NOR U KDS
8 22.18 83.8010 Karl Muri Production- - NOR U KDS
9 21.11 79.7534 Aslak Knudsen Production- - NOR U KDS
10 17.12 64.6890 Geir Atle Jenssen Production- S NOR U KDS
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