First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 439.9088 Per Forsling Open+ - SWE U slowfeet ECDS
2 96.92 426.3612 Johan Ström Open- - SWE U strom SGD
3 94.94 417.6315 Weine Samuelsson Open+ SS SWE U wesa LSC
4 93.84 412.8190 Jochum Frisk Production- - SWE U LSC
5 89.53 393.8528 Christoffer Thander Production- - SWE U cthander East Coast Dynamic Shooters
6 89.08 391.8563 Paul Wood Production- - SWE U woody LSC
7 88.79 390.5745 Joakim Rudensten Standard+ S SWE U jr528swed LSC
8 85.90 377.8950 Daniel Lindqvist Production- - SWE U LSC
9 77.96 342.9379 Jonas Olsson Production- - SWE U jo69 ECDS
10 63.79 280.6113 John Glenros Production- - SWE U svenglen East coast dynamic shooters
11 63.49 279.3133 Johannes Erngren Classic- - SWE U monkey Team ONYX
12 62.47 274.8228 Jan Schröder Production- S SWE U schrodersig LSC
13 58.67 258.0745 Henrik Tölander Production- - SWE U LSC
14 58.29 256.4253 Marc Glenros Production- - SWE U glensven East Coast Dynamic Shooters
15 54.69 240.5697 Leif Johansson Standard- S SWE U stdby Kss
16 52.69 231.8045 Daniel Axelsson Production- - SWE U LSC
17 46.22 203.3416 Joakim Rudqvist Production- S SWE D ruuda ECDS
18 45.32 199.3682 Samuel NotKnown Production- - SWE U Bofors Skjutfälts Skyttekår
19 43.56 191.6077 patrick jansson Standard- - SWE U trident ECDS East Coast Dynamic Shooters
20 35.85 157.6868 Niclas Wiström Production- - SWE U LSC
21 20.05 88.2078 Ivar Kaneröd Production- - SWE U LSC
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