First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 493.5286 Jochum Frisk Production- - SWE U LSC
2 95.38 470.7499 Paul Wood Production- - SWE U woody LSC
3 94.61 466.9254 Christoffer Thander Production- - SWE U cthander East Coast Dynamic Shooters
4 91.43 451.2290 Daniel Lindqvist Production- - SWE U LSC
5 84.97 419.3735 Jonas Olsson Production- - SWE U jo69 ECDS
6 67.80 334.5979 John Glenros Production- - SWE U svenglen East coast dynamic shooters
7 67.63 333.7871 Jan Schröder Production- S SWE U schrodersig LSC
8 63.82 314.9630 Henrik Tölander Production- - SWE U LSC
9 62.93 310.5684 Marc Glenros Production- - SWE U glensven East Coast Dynamic Shooters
10 57.32 282.9034 Daniel Axelsson Production- - SWE U LSC
11 52.37 258.4665 Joakim Rudqvist Production- S SWE D ruuda ECDS
12 49.71 245.3208 Samuel NotKnown Production- - SWE U Bofors Skjutfälts Skyttekår
13 39.40 194.4583 Niclas Wiström Production- - SWE U LSC
14 22.16 109.3487 Ivar Kaneröd Production- - SWE U LSC
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